Archive for December, 2008


December 13, 2008

It has been some time since my last post.
I have to create tasks to post more often because sometimes I even forget that I have a blog :).

I’ll post a very old news, but still recent for the public, the QtKinetic project.

The time that we spent in Trolltech was really great. We arrived just at the pre release of the Animation API, and we could just take a glance at what we could expect for the new Qt Framework.
We helped during the Animation API review with sugestions and user experiences and we talked about the QtKinetic project, at that time not public yet. We shared some performance issues with the Trolls and some use cases of rich uis.
We spent most of the time with Andreas and Marius sharing ideas and we could watch the warm up for the Dev Days and it was really great :).

All I have to say about the QtKinetic is that it rocks! It’s is simple and powerfull, and the most important it’s extensible. We will be able create our fancy widgets and just place them in the theme keeping our own set of widgets. Creating an iPhone like application in weeks. For Edje lovers like me, it will be possible to place your widgets on the screen using relative positions with layouts, and layout animations are on the roadmap too.

We hope to help as much as we can in the next year with the project. After finishing some internal projects. It will be great to see it running on mobile devices fast and smooth.

Talking about performance, the Trolls are working hard on that. I’m not very up to date with the recent commits. Some time ago I sent a patch to Aryia to solve a segfault in raster engine using 16 bits, and I think it’s already on the mainline. We can now run the raster engine on the N800. The results are not so impressive but I think it will be great after some fine tuning.

But we still hope not depending on raster for the next Nokia devices. I pray for that. So we can create really amazing and blazing fast animations using gl.